
Aus Wohnheim TF
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Welcome to the wiki of the dorm at the faculty of engineering

You can find plenty of information concerning the dorm and its residents here. This is supposed to facilitate you getting accustomed to campus life and feel at home. Feel free to leave any suggestions and comments on the discussion page.

The next dorm council will take place the (to be updated) at 20:15 pm. Click here to join!: https://jitsi.fachschaft.tf/Wohnheimsrat

Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/campus.wohnheim/

Official page of the Student Services Freiburg about the dormitory Campus: http://www.swfr.de/en/wohnen/wohnheime/summary-of-dormitories/campus/


Recent information concerning measures of the federal state Baden-Württemberg you can find here: https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/aktuelle-infos-zu-corona/aktuelle-corona-verordnung-des-landes-baden-wuerttemberg/.

Ordinance of the State Government on Infection Protection Measures against the Spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus (Corona Ordinance – "CoronaVO")1 of 23 June 2020(in the version valid from 2 November 2020): https://sozialministerium.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/gesundheit-pflege/gesundheitsschutz/infektionsschutz-hygiene/informationen-zu-coronavirus/informationen-in-mehreren-sprachen/#:~:text=Die%20Corona%2DVerordnung%20in%20der,Corona%20%E2%80%93%20Corona%20VO%20(PDF)

Advice on how to protect yourself and others: https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/fileadmin/Dateien/3_Downloads/C/Coronavirus/BMG_Coronavirus_Handzettel_EN_barr.pdf


get involved

This site is a wiki by design, so everyone is kindly invited to participate and contribute any information you deem helpful for others to this homepage.

Please note the wishlist for topics

Campus 1 - at night